So wonderful to read this and hear both of your voices in the conversation!

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Thank you so much for this. Margaret is a beacon of hope and I think of her every time I don't rake my leaves.

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I just ordered the Comfort of Crows yesterday and I’m eager for it to arrive next week 💕 my best friend (who lives in Australia) just got it from her library in Brisbane and wants us to read it together week by week. Considering that it is summer there, moving into autumn, I’m not sure where in the book we’ll start. But just wanted to share that, though your life and your writing is deeply grounded in the South, there are people excited about your new book everywhere! For my part, I’ve been reading your work since I was an undergrad at Vanderbilt and it is a compass for me.

Also “dumbass” is such a helpful word haha. I love the show Reservation Dogs— picking up the highly specific but also all purpose insult “shitass” was honestly kind of life changing

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So much possibility in the field 💚

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What a treat! I was delighted to see this show up in my inbox.

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Damn fine! Thank you.

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